Councils and Committees
At the last business meeting in the fall, the dental society begins accepting nominees for Kentucky Dental Association (KDA) Councils and Committees, Delegates and Alternate Delegates, Secretary-Treasurer, and Northern Kentucky Dental Society (NKDS) Committee Chairpersons for the following year (term begins following the KDA Annual Meeting). These nominees are voted on during first NKDS business meeting of the new year.
The KDA Councils and Committees are composed of three to six members who generally serve a two year term. As there are no term limits, positions may not become available for these committees every year. However, the KDA requests nominees from the NKDS annually, for those committees and councils that do not have a NKDS representative. Other component societies are also nominating in kind. Nominations are sent to KDA and the Committees/Councils vote to select one of the nominees if there is an opening on their committee. If you are interested in KDA Councils and Committees or would like more information, please contact the NKDS Executive Director by email at
- Council on Ethics, By-Laws and Judicial Affairs
- Technical Advisory Committee to the Kentucky Medical Assistance Program
- Council on Governmental Affairs and Federal Dental Services (Dr. Kevin Wall, 2018 Nominee)
- Journal Committee
- Council on Annual Sessions (Dr. Michelle Story)
- KDA Executive Board (Dr. Ansley Depp, KDA President, and Dr. Jonathan Rich)
- KDA Executive Committee (Dr. Ansley Depp, KDA President)
- KDA Delegate to the ADA (Dr. Kevin Wall)
- KDA Alternate Delegate to the ADA (Dr. Jonathan Rich)
- Kentucky Dental Foundation Members (Dr. Ansley Depp, KDA President)
Bereavement Committee Chairman: Dr. Richard Mullins
Children's Oral Health Committee Chairman: Dr. Steven Kees
Peer Review Committee Chairman: Dr. Pete Rauen
Golf Committee Chairman: NKDS Vice-President, Dr. John Thompson
If you plan to attend the 2019 KDA Meeting, please consider becoming a NKDS delegate and nominate yourself. Eight delegates represent NKDS at the KDA Annual Meeting. The NKDS President is automatically a delegate. NKDS votes for 7 delegates each year. Alternate delegates are also needed to fill-in at the KDA Annual Meeting when one of the delegates is unable to meet this obligation.