NKDS Governance
The Northern Kentucky Dental Society is a component organization of the Kentucky Dental Association. Membership is governed by four officers annually elected by the membership at our first meeting of each year. Nominees for open positions are requested at the last meeting of the year. If you have an interest in being involved as an officer or committee member, please attend the last meeting of the year, mention your interest to an officer, or contact the Executive Director at nkds.dental@gmail.com. The dental society is grateful for the service of our current officers:
PRESIDENT: | Dr. Allison K. Marlowe DDS | ||
PRESIDENT-ELECT: | Dr. Olivia Estes, DMD | ||
VICE-PRESIDENT: | Dr. Racheal Hamel, DDS | ||
SECRETARY-TREASURER: | Dr. Eric Mencarelli, MD, DDS | ||
Immediate Past President: |
The officers' terms expire at the close of the Kentucky Dental Association Annual Session.